
FW 6.2 The Manners that Focus Attention

Hello, Beautiful Homemakers! The first subsection of Pamphlet 6 that we are covering today is Stratagems that Win the Notice of Men .  They ask you to review chapter 8, exercises 1-6, 9-11, 13, and 14.  This is found in Pamphlet 4.  (See video and information at the end of this post.) The most important sentences in this section is:  "Nothing you may do to attract attention will be of much avail if there is, either in your manner, your voice, or your apparel, the suggestion of strength, manliness, efficiency, ability, or severity. The woman who is obviously able to kill her own snakes simply cannot attract favorable attention from men, no matter what arts and devices she employs..." This man discusses why ultra-feminine women are so desirable to men, and I highly suggest that you watch it: The next subsection is called The Manners that Focus Attention .  This section has several examples that I disagree with.  I tell you what the book says, and why I think...

FW 6.1 Squashing Your Inner Superior Wife + How to Play "the Game" that Fascinates Men

Hello, Beautiful Homemakers!     I begin today's video with a partial comment from Aurora, with her permission.  It can be found in its entirety under the video FW3.4 "Why Being Too Nice Breeds Contempt."  She talks about how she has been showing her DH appreciation, and how she is trying to stop taking control, and the profound effect it has had on her marriage.  She changed just a few things, and BAM! he's acting like a completely different man.   Appreciating your husband, relinquishing control, and letting him lead makes a difference!  Let's squash our inner "Superior Wife."   We are beginning Pamphlet 6! Chapter 12 is entitled "Making Men Notice You." The most important sentence is "...what really attracted the man in each case was the opportunity to act the part of the 'superior' male in soothing that timidity, in protecting that tenderness, in aiding that helplessness, and in justifying that dependence."   This does not...

What Must I Do to be Saved?

 Hello, Beautiful Homemakers! Today I am reading a 16 page booklet that changed the life of my family.  I discovered it just a few months ago and got in touch with the author.  V. Glenn McCoy and his wife and family gave me permission to read this booklet to you on YouTube. During the last 5 minutes of the video, after I finish reading the booklet, I share these verses: 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Romans 6:2-7 and Galatians 3:22, and 3:26-27. The background of WHY I chose to read this booklet to you (Most of this is NOT in the video, but I know my loyal subscribers will appreciate the full story) In mid-2024 my husband and I were still on our church search.  He dragged me to many a service with rock concerts that, frankly, disgusted me.  In one service, people in the audience bowed to a jesus idol and a fake prop-bible. We left this service half-way through at my insistence (because that breaks the 2nd Commandment).  In the majority of church...

Five Little-Known Facts about Jesus' Manger

 Hello, Beautiful Homemakers! Today I've got a story, actually an old e-mail from 2018 from Craig Huey, about the Christmas Story: "Five Little-known Facts You've Never Heard about the Message of the Manger." 1.  A manger?  Or "the" manger?  Luke 2:7; 2:12; and 2:16  Why is this important? 2. Priestly shepherds would watch the birthing process of lambs, inspect them immediately after birth, and protect it from becoming injured or blemished after birth. How did they do this? 3. Migdal-Eder is a watch tower mentioned twice in the Bible as Tower of the Flock:  In Genesis 35:21 and Micah 4:8.  The shepherds could observe a flock of sheep from a high position, and bring ewes about to give birth into the base of the tower where there was... 4.  The feeding troughs weren't made of wood, but of ....   New-born male lambs that were without spot or blemish were wrapped in "swaddling clothes" to prevent them from thrashing around and bruising thems...

Snowbound with Betsy and Emilie Barnes

 Hello, Beautiful Homemakers! Today I am reading you Chapter 2 of Carolyn Haywood's Snowbound with Betsy for Homemaking Storytime.  I loved this book as a child and was thrilled when I found it for a quarter at a library sale, as online it was selling for $325 (this was in the late 1990s). I would often read only Chapter 2 during the busy days of December, because it's such a cheery little chapter.  I read the book to my son at least three times.  So I thought I would give you a little taste of it, too. Reading this book reminded me of another story I had heard, long ago, and then it brought to mind Emilie Barnes, homemaker extraodonaire, who wrote 80 books! As a teen, I was lucky enough to attend her "More Hours in My Day Seminar" twice with my mom in the 1980s.  She lived in Riverside, California, and made the rounds to different churches with her seminar.  I still have my notes on Christmas.  Maybe I can share those with you next year. In the video...


Hello, Beautiful Homemakers!  This is the perfect time to decorate or clean your house while listening to Louisa May Alcott's An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving: It's also a great week to think about printing out your Christmas card list and gathering supplies, and to buy Christmas stamps while you mail long-distance package.  For those who are interested, remember that Laine's service will be streamed on FB on Friday 11/22 at 1 pm PST.    Plan your menu and which dishes will hold what food.  Write a little list that you can keep in a homemaking binder to reuse year after year.  I have little index cards that I’ve cut into fourths that have the name of the food on it, to be placed on the correct dish the night before so that I do not forget to make something, or do not forget to take something out of the fridge that day. A typical Thanksgiving menu (for my non-American readers who don't know): Turkey Mashed Potatoes and gravy Green beans Corn Cranberry Sauce ...

Laine of Laine's Letters has passed into Glory

Our dear sister Laine Amavizca, who wrote Laine's Letters back in the 1990s and early 2000s, passed away November 5, 2024, after a long illness. Laine was a godly encouragement to homemakers in the days before blogs became popular.  She e-mailed her letters to a group of women, and more and more wanted to be added to her e-mail list. I personally found her in 2006 after she wrote the article, "Why I Love Homemaking," which was published in the Above Rubies magazine , a free magazine written by mothers to mothers. (Nancy Campbell, Editress) Whenever I woke up in the very early morning, such as at 4 a.m., I would always think, "Laine is up reading her Bible and conversing with God right now." In her letter Holy Habits , she says, "He speaks to me through His Word, and I speak to Him in prayer." (At the end of this post I have an excerpt from, and a link to, the full letter.)   Where Laine's Letters can be found Eventually, with her permission, s...

FW 5.15 The Superior Male

Hello, Beautiful Homemakers!  Today we are finishing up chapter 11 of the 1922 original Fascinating Womanhood pamphlets, AND we are finishing Pamphlet 5! We will be discussing the next two secrets about men's peculiarities:  Their armor of reserve; and we will learn about his secret desire. Every Man's Secret Reserve:  "This reserve is the second characteristic which we wish to emphasize as highly important in influencing a man's attitude toward woman." "The man of finer caliber is equally reluctant to expose his intimate, secret hopes and fears to indifference or antagonism.  The prospect of callous underestimation or sinister inference is nothing less than appalling to him.  He therefore sternly subdues every impulse to seek sympathy or appreciation.  Nothing but the absolute certainty of receiving it [sympathetic understanding] will induce him to throw off his armor of reserve, and to give an inkling to others of the things that mean most to him.  E...

FW 5.14 The Three-Date Rule and Sympathetic Understanding

  We have begun Chapter XI of the original 1922 Fascinating Womanhood pamphlets (#5 of 8) called Peculiarities of Human Nature in Men. After the introduction I discuss the three-date rule: when to move on and when to accept date #4, and when to discuss wanting traditional roles in marriage, along with several other topics such as working (or not) after having children. Next we discuss the introduction of  "The Three Fundamental Characteristics of Every Man." In this video I cover Secret #1:  Every Man's Longing for Sympathetic Understanding Have you ever heard a man say:  "You don't really know me," or "You just don't understand me at all."  That is a lonely man longing for genuine, sympathetic understanding. This type of appreciation and understanding is desired from men of all ages , for single men and even for men who have been married for many years.  (You may need to look at your husband with new eyes! Don't forget that you can change...