Sleep Training

From the first day my first son was born, I’ve asked myself daily “ If he died tomorrow, would I regret anything I did today?” Up until he was four months old I couldn’t stand to hear him cry. I could not “nap train” or let him cry it out – because if he had died I would never have forgiven myself. I also could never have let someone else care for him. The Contented Little Baby: The Simple Secrets of Calm, Confident Parenting by Gina Ford was hugely helpful in helping me train my son to sleep through the night at age four months. Maybe it’s because I’m an older mother, but I cannot effectively function on less than 7 hours of sleep. I thrive on 9, and try and always get it, and my husband also needs 8-9 hours. While I am all for co-sleeping and breastfeeding on demand if you can do it, I could not. Our son slept in a cradle where I could hold his hand by our bed, and I fed him during the night until he was four months ...