Finding My Way Home

Photo by bridgetroll
Finding Your Way Home by Lucynda Koesters is the most complete book I own on figuring out how you can stay home with your child, and I bought every book I could find on the subject.  Many are good, but this is the best.

Part I includes 10 compelling reasons, in full chapter detail, on why someone would want to stay home. She discusses the needs of infants, toddlers, grade schoolers & teens. She discusses mental and physcial health, your marriage, family life, and having no regrets.

Part II discusses your options, your finances (which is excellent), contingency plans, your new life, the Porch Swing Test, and even creating an action plan (very useful).

Part III discusses how to be successful at home. Daily schedules, managing your children and your house, staying motivated, creating a safe haven, weekly routines, and being at home.   There is also an addendum for single parents and how they can come home too!

I wrote to the author in early 2005 after reading an article she had written in  I was only 8 weeks pregnant and making more than double what my husband made, because he wasn’t working full-time. 

I detail our conversation and the advice she gave me about how to bring our grocery bill into alignment with our soon to be greatly diminished income in my book How to Thrive on One Income.


  1. Thank you for summarizing and recommending such a practical and much needed book. And I love the quote about being wealthy is having time. If we can make that choice, it is so much better.

  2. Thank you, Shanda, for your encouragement! This book was key to helping me come home.


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