
Showing posts from January, 2013

How to Keep Your House Neat

Elosie Wilkin "We Help Mommy" Clean in ORDER.   That means, you pick the most important room in the house to YOU, and start there.   You never deviate from the path (otherwise you get sidetracked). I t works really well because it is thorough .  Example:   I start with our bedroom.   I make the bed, take clothes to laundry baskets, straighten dresser tops and books.   If it is a cleaning day or changing sheets day, I do it.   Then I move on to the next room clockwise.   If I find something that does not belong in the bedroom I take it to that room, and just place it down anywhere .   I don’t decide to feed the cat, or wash dishes, or sort laundry or wrap a gift or… I simply place it down and go back to the room I’m working in.   This ensures that : all the clothes from each room in the house ends up in the laundry basket before I sort and begin the wash; all dishes are in the kitchen; all trash cans empt...

Waking Up With the Sun

Eloise Wilkin In paying attention to the sunrise/sunset calendar I printed from , I realized that January 1st is the perfect month to begin getting up earlier!  Every day, set your alarm for the same time the sun rises. January 1 - 14:  You have two whole weeks to get used to arising at 6:58 ! January 15-18:  Arise one minute earlier:  6:57 January 19-21:  Another minute:  6:56 January 22-23:  6:55 January 24-25:  6:54 January 26-27:  6:53 January 28:       6:52 January 29-30:  6:51 January 31:       6:50 You've painlessly begun your quest to get up with the sun! Half of you are thinking "I WISH I could sleep in that long" but the other half is praying that God will help them as they attempt to arise earlier. You can always set your alarm for 5-10 minutes earlier than the sun so that you can be outside when it arises.  I've come ...