The Perfect Year, Area #4: Serene Spaces (Choosing a life of Peacefulness)

1. Practice silence in the car. Turn off that radio. Or have a child read out loud. Or get books on tape. Adventures in Odyssey! Or old radio shows. Silence helps your children to talk to you, and if alone, for you to think deeply. Or introduce your child to one classical piece of music each day. It always grows on the child. It's brain food. It's also calming. And they will begin to recognize it all over the place. Learn together. My favorite: Pachelbel's Canon in D. 2. At home - turn off the TV. Turn off the music. What do you hear? "Be still and know that I am God." When was the last time you were still? 3. Practice Peace. A quieter home - just people living, candles (real or battery). Listen to the quiet sounds of home. Choose family books to read aloud. Begin with a Children's Bible storybook, such as The Rhyming Bible for little...