Organized Women Do THIS in January!

Come on over to my new website to discover 12 things organized women do every January to have a better year!

Arthur Sarnoff, Illustrator
I used to feel like a mess.  I was always overwhelmed.  One day I asked an ultra-organized friend to show me how she does things.  She happily showed me all over her house, her ways of doing things, her best tips and tools, and her routines.  She even came over to my house and pointed out what specific cleaners and tools would help me with my problem areas!  Needless to say, I learned a lot from her.

I had already come far by being a subscriber to FlyLady’s e-mails (, but my friend’s tour “behind the scenes” was the push I needed to make major changes, because I could SEE what she was doing and how it worked.  I’m extremely visual.

I’m also a list-maker.  Thus, I’m sharing my list of what I learned to do each January, with you.  Read more here.

My next two posts in January will continue to focus on organizing. Our God is a God of order. May God bless you as you bring order and harmony to your home!



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