Did you know that Satan loves the Christmas season?
Yep, he takes great glee in getting thousands of people to proclaim, “I hate Christmas!” each and every year.
If you’ve said this in the past, what made you feel that
way? Are these on your list?
of finding “perfect” gifts and the lack of cash
many parties, open houses, and/or children’s holiday shows
cards are stressful
What are you celebrating
Christmas for anyway?
Organized women know WHY they are celebrating Christmas and what their priorities are.
If you are a Christian, you know it is our “holyday” to commemorate
the birth of our savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. We give gifts in
remembrance of His life, and in honor of His death where He gave us the
greatest gift – eternal life for all who call upon His name for
forgiveness of our sins (see The Most Important Decision You’ll Ever Make).
Holy Family Painting by Randy Wollenmann
Since Jesus is the purpose of this special day, why are you going crazy preparing for it?
Because you have children and they expect gifts? Because people expect a tip / gift / thank
Since marketers (and you know who) have done such a great job of hijacking our holy day, please take the time right now to imagine how you want this next Christmas to go. What do you picture?
Stop the trivial, aimless, and futile activities that waste
your time, energy, and peace, and plan what you want December to look like! What are your priorities?
Remember, it is the FEELING OF CHRISTMAS that your family craves, not the quantity of gifts.
ASK YOUR FAMILY what they want. This is what my family wants:
A tree
Outside lights and nativity
Inside decorations
Our favorite Christmas cookies
Christmas carols playing
To receive and hang up Christmas cards (you must give to receive)
Gift wrapped presents (not bags)
To attend the play A Christmas Carol after Thanksgiving
To attend the neighborhood nativity walk with friends the second weekend in December
To attend a candlelight worship service on Christmas Eve
Pretty simple, right?
Eloise Wilkin, Illustrator; Baby’s Christmas
Some people like to decorate all at once, and others prefer
to do a little each day. This is up to
YOU. Be in charge.
If you want to do a little at a time and this is a new concept to your children, read them this story...(the rest of this article can be found at ThriveOnOneIncome.com.)
Last year I read a very interesting book by Cassandra Aarssen called The Clutter Connection, How Your Personality Type Determines Why You Organize the Way You Do. The first time I took her test was on her website, Clutterbug.me , I came out as a “Butterfly.” But when I read her mini online book detailing the four different organizing styles that are based on your personality, I thought I was a Bee who coveted being a Cricket! (See her website for a quick explanation of the four Clutter Bugs.) I bought this book since it goes into depth on the four areas, with color pictures, and I wanted to know more. I was skeptical of her test and felt that the questions weren’t clear enough, so I took the test several times on different days, and again after reading each of the four sections of her book. I felt that on many of the questions I could answer “Yes” to 3 out of the 4 scenarios. So one time I did this on all the questions, and then added up m...
Priscilla Poynter I spent many, many years unorganized. After reading countless books and decluttering, I just had my best Christmas ever, even though I was ill Dec. 21 & 22. I had NO STRESS. Everything was on schedule! Let me share with you the four steps I took to move from Christmas Chaos to Christmas Calm : 1) Write up, then type up, your Christmas Countdown . This is what MY list looks like: Christmas Countdown January Buy Christmas cards for next year (I do actual Christmas cards, not photo cards). Go to post office and buy Christmas stamps (I did this today, and saved myself the postage increase happening Jan. 21, 2018) Shop online for after-Christmas sales - Christmas themed items for next Christmas (it can be gifts, partyware, decor, wrapping paper, etc.) Place large empty box or Christmas bag into closet for gifts bought throughout the year, with post-it note for who it is for, or you will fo...
Our dear sister Laine Amavizca, who wrote Laine's Letters back in the 1990s and early 2000s, passed away November 5, 2024, after a long illness. Laine was a godly encouragement to homemakers in the days before blogs became popular. She e-mailed her letters to a group of women, and more and more wanted to be added to her e-mail list. I personally found her in 2006 after she wrote the article, "Why I Love Homemaking," which was published in the Above Rubies magazine , a free magazine written by mothers to mothers. (Nancy Campbell, Editress) Whenever I woke up in the very early morning, such as at 4 a.m., I would always think, "Laine is up reading her Bible and conversing with God right now." In her letter Holy Habits , she says, "He speaks to me through His Word, and I speak to Him in prayer." (At the end of this post I have an excerpt from, and a link to, the full letter.) Where Laine's Letters can be found Eventually, with her permission, s...
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