FW 5.14 The Three-Date Rule and Sympathetic Understanding


We have begun Chapter XI of the original 1922 Fascinating Womanhood pamphlets (#5 of 8) called Peculiarities of Human Nature in Men.

After the introduction I discuss the three-date rule: when to move on and when to accept date #4, and when to discuss wanting traditional roles in marriage, along with several other topics such as working (or not) after having children.

Next we discuss the introduction of  "The Three Fundamental Characteristics of Every Man."

In this video I cover Secret #1:  Every Man's Longing for Sympathetic Understanding

Have you ever heard a man say:  "You don't really know me," or "You just don't understand me at all."  That is a lonely man longing for genuine, sympathetic understanding.

This type of appreciation and understanding is desired from men of all ages, for single men and even for men who have been married for many years.  (You may need to look at your husband with new eyes! Don't forget that you can change the communication in your marriage by _________________________ when he comes home each night.)

We cover The Man Who Needs Sympathy Most.  The two most important sentences in this section are:  "Nowhere can he find a sympathetic, uncritical listener and confidante.  The cry of his soul for appreciation and encouragement, therefore, must usually be suppressed."

Next we cover the fictionalized story of THE CASE OF JIM, Jim Calls on the Girl, and Jim's Greatest Happiness.

This section ends with this important reminder: Instead of being a characteristic of Jim alone, therefore, the craving for sympathetic understanding is a characteristic of every man.

May God bless you as you prepare for marriage, and as you learn to really listen to and encourage your man, 


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