Hello, Beautiful Homemakers! This is the perfect time to decorate or clean your house while listening to Louisa May Alcott's An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving: It's also a great week to think about printing out your Christmas card list and gathering supplies, and to buy Christmas stamps while you mail long-distance package. For those who are interested, remember that Laine's service will be streamed on FB on Friday 11/22 at 1 pm PST. Plan your menu and which dishes will hold what food. Write a little list that you can keep in a homemaking binder to reuse year after year. I have little index cards that I’ve cut into fourths that have the name of the food on it, to be placed on the correct dish the night before so that I do not forget to make something, or do not forget to take something out of the fridge that day. A typical Thanksgiving menu (for my non-American readers who don't know): Turkey Mashed Potatoes and gravy Green beans Corn Cranberry Sauce ...