FW 6.2 The Manners that Focus Attention

Hello, Beautiful Homemakers!

The first subsection of Pamphlet 6 that we are covering today is Stratagems that Win the Notice of Men.  They ask you to review chapter 8, exercises 1-6, 9-11, 13, and 14.  This is found in Pamphlet 4.  (See video and information at the end of this post.)

The most important sentences in this section is:  "Nothing you may do to attract attention will be of much avail if there is, either in your manner, your voice, or your apparel, the suggestion of strength, manliness, efficiency, ability, or severity. The woman who is obviously able to kill her own snakes simply cannot attract favorable attention from men, no matter what arts and devices she employs..."

This man discusses why ultra-feminine women are so desirable to men, and I highly suggest that you watch it:

The next subsection is called The Manners that Focus Attention.  This section has several examples that I disagree with.  I tell you what the book says, and why I think it is either not appropriate, or not applicable to today.

They also discuss how a woman who is so apparently helpless in a situation is aided by both men and women, and that both the women and men feel the same indulgent superiority toward her, but! the women do not enjoy that feeling of superiority in the same way that a man does towards this woman.  

Remember:  "Superiority" doesn't mean "better than!"  In our case studies of men, it usually means leadership, or ability, or advantage.

"A man never scorns the frailty and helplessness of woman, because he enjoys too much the contrast it brings out between her weakness and his strength."

And of course I have lots of stories thrown in. I also discuss what was in the last post about the review for the secular book  "Seven Days to Sex Appeal: How to Be Sexier Without Surgery, Weight Loss, or Cleavage" by Eva Margolies and Stan Jones.  This book is mainly about body language; some women really need to learn this and practice with a mirror and a friend. But if you are already a confident woman, then you will not need this book.  It is not a great book, but it is good and useful.  I loved that they use illustrations instead of photos of gorgeous women, but the downside of that is that some of the illustrations do a poor job of explaining what the authors mean.  Also, the book is fairly expensive.  However, some women DO need a book like this to point out what they are doing that is making men think they aren't interested or available.


The video above begins Pamphlet 4.  

You can also go to my YouTube page and click under "Playlists" and find the playlist for Pamphlets 3 and 4.  You can start with Pamphlet 3 and go all the way through, or start with pamphlet 4 for a review of chapters 7 and 8.


May God bless you as you practice good manners towards all,


(Note: Some links in this post are affiliate links, and I will receive a small commission at no cost to you when you make a purchase by clicking through my links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This compensation pays the annual costs of running this website.  I am an avid reader and love to recommend books that I have personally read and enjoyed, and I am not compensated for the review.  Read my disclosure policy, linked at the top of my blog. Thank you!)



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