50th Wedding Anniversary Tribute
Several years ago my parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. We had a party and my brother and I shared a few memories of growing up. Here are mine: I am so thankful for my parents. Many people have asked, “Do you really know how lucky you are to have them for your parents?” And believe me, I do know. For one thing, we all actually liked it when my dad came home! Some friends would think they’d have to leave, or even hide, but I knew that if we had made a fort that day out of chairs and blankets, my dad would go through it! If we played with cars and made block towns, it would stay up for my dad to admire. We were excited when he came home! We also loved rainy days at our house. Not just because of the rain, but because we knew that when we got home from school, fresh hot chocolate chip cookies would be coming out of the oven. We’d run home! Even my dad didn’t mind the traffic ...